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How Cold Pressed Oils are Made?

  • By RM eMart

When you reach for a bottle of cooking oil, you're likely to find a variety of options, from refined to cold-pressed oils. Among these, cold-pressed oils, often known as wood-pressed oils, are gaining popularity for their potential health benefits and unique production methods.

In this article, we'll explore what cold-pressed oils are, how they are manufactured, and why they might be a healthier choice compared to normal refined oils.

What is mean by cold-pressed oil?

Cold-pressed oils, often referred to as wood-pressed oils, are a type of cooking oil that is extracted from seeds and nuts without using excessive heat. This gentle extraction process preserves the natural flavors, aromas, and nutritional qualities of the raw ingredients. In contrast, conventional oils are typically refined using methods that involve high heat and chemical solvents, which can alter the oil's composition and flavour.

What are the differences between Cold-pressed and Normal Refined oils?

Extraction Method: The primary difference lies in the extraction process. Cold-pressed oils are extracted at low temperatures (usually below 120°F or 49°C), while normal oils undergo refining processes involving high heat, which can sometimes reach over 450°F (232°C).

Nutritional Value: Cold-pressed oils retain more of the natural nutrients found in the seeds or nuts, such as antioxidants, vitamins, and fatty acids, which are often lost in the refining process of normal oils.

Flavour and Aroma: The gentle extraction process of cold-pressed oils ensures that they maintain their natural flavors and aromas, which can enhance the taste of your dishes.

How cold-pressed oils are made?

The manufacturing process of cold-pressed oils is an intricate and careful one. Here's a step-by-step breakdown,

Selection of Raw Materials: High-quality seeds or nuts are chosen for oil extraction. Common choices include sesame, coconut, groundnut, and more.

Cleaning and Preparation: The raw materials are thoroughly cleaned to remove any impurities or debris. After cleaning, they may be roasted, depending on the type of oil being produced. Roasting enhances flavour and makes oil extraction easier. 

Pressing Process: The heart of the cold-pressing method involves using a hydraulic press to extract oil from the prepared seeds or nuts. This process applies pressure without external heat, allowing the oil to slowly seep out.

Filtration: The oil obtained is typically unrefined and may contain some sediments. It is then filtered to remove any remaining particles, resulting in a clear and pure oil.

Bottling and Storage: Once the oil is extracted and filtered, it is bottled and stored in a cool, dark place to prevent oxidation and maintain its quality.

Are cold-pressed oils good for health?

Cold-pressed oils offer several potential health benefits, including:

Preservation of Nutrients: The gentle extraction process helps retain essential nutrients and antioxidants, which can contribute to better health.

Heart Health: Cold-pressed oils may contain healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health.

Better Taste: The natural flavors and aromas of cold-pressed oils can enhance the taste of your dishes, making them a more enjoyable choice.

What are the advantages of using cold-pressed oil over normal refined oil?

Nutrient Retention: Cold-pressed oils retain more of the natural nutrients and antioxidants present in the seeds or nuts, while refining processes can strip these valuable components from normal oils.

Improved Flavor: The distinct, natural flavors of cold-pressed oils can elevate your culinary creations, providing a unique and delicious taste to your dishes.

Possible Health Benefits: Due to their higher nutrient content and healthier fat profile, some people believe that cold-pressed oils may offer health advantages, such as better heart health and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Chemical-Free: Cold-pressed oils are typically manufactured without the use of chemical solvents, making them a cleaner and more natural choice.

Switch to Cold Pressed Oil

In conclusion, cold-pressed oils, including wood-pressed oils, are made using a gentle extraction process that preserves the natural goodness of seeds and nuts. These oils offer potential health benefits and can add a flavorful twist to your culinary endeavors. Making the switch from normal refined oils to cold-pressed oils may be a simple yet significant step toward a healthier lifestyle and tastier meals. So, next time you reach for that bottle of cooking oil, consider giving cold-pressed oils a try and experience the difference for yourself.

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