16, 1st Cross St, near IG Square, Nellithope, Anna Nagar 605005 Pondicherry IN
16, 1st Cross St, near IG Square, Nellithope, Anna Nagar Pondicherry, IN
+917373732817 https://www.rmemart.com/s/62afda9f5dd6de16b52ff6be/62c6535913104e3755d3edbc/rm-emart-logo-final-230px-2-480x480.png" [email protected]

Terms of Services

General Terms

Welcome to RM e-Mart services business solutions, a suite of optional services for sellers including: selling on RM e-Mart, RM e-Mart advertising, transaction processing services, and the commitment between RM e-Mart and seller.

This RM e-Mart services business solutions agreement contains the terms and conditions that govern your access to and use of the services and is an agreement between you or the business you represent and RM e-Mart. By registering for or using the services, you (on behalf of yourself or the business you represent) agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement, including the service terms and programpolicies.

As used in this Agreement, “we,” “us,” and RM e-Mart means the applicable RM e-Mart Contracting Party, and “you” means the applicant (if registering for or using a Service as an individual), or the business employing the applicant (if registering for or using a Service as a business) and any of its Affiliates.

  1. Enrolment

To begin the enrolment process, you must complete the registration process for one or more of the Services. Use of the Services is limited to parties that can lawfully enter into and form contracts under applicable Law. As part of the application, you must provide us with your legal name/company name, address, phone number &email address, as well as any other information we may request. Any personal data you provide to us will be handled in accordance with RM e-Mart’s Privacy Notice.

  1. Service Fee Payments; Receipt of Sales Proceeds.

To use RM e-Mart Service, you must provide us with valid company’s bank account information or bank accounts acceptable by RM e-Mart. You authorize us to verify your information (including any updated information), to obtain credit reports about you from time to time, to obtain credit authorizations from the issuer of Your Bank for any sums payable by you to us (in reimbursement or otherwise). All payments to you will be remitted to Your Bank Account through a banking network or by other means specified by us.

If we determine that your actions or performance may result in returns, chargebacks, claims, disputes, violations of our terms or policies, or other risks to RM e-Mart or third parties, then we may in our sole discretion withhold any payments to you for as long as we determine any related risks to RM e-Mart or third parties persist. For any amounts that we determine you owe us, we may

(a) Charge Your bank or other payment instruments you provide to us;

(b) Offset any amounts that are payable by you to us (in reimbursement or otherwise) against any payments we may make to you or amounts we may owe you;

(c) Invoice you for amounts due to us, in which case you will pay the invoiced amounts upon receipt;

(d) Reverse any credits to Your Bank Account; or

(e) Collect payment or reimbursement from you by any other lawful means.

  1. Term and Termination.

The term of this Agreement will start on the date of your completed registration for use of a Service and continue until terminated by us or you as provided below. You may at any time terminate your use of any Service immediately on notice to us via email. We may terminate your use of any Services or terminate this Agreement for convenience with 30 days’ advance notice. We may suspend or terminate your use of any Services immediately if we determine that

(a) You have materially breached the Agreement and failed to cure within 7 days of a cure notice send via email.

 (b) Your account has been, or our controls identify that it may be used for deceptive or fraudulent, or illegal activity; or

(c) Your use of the Services has harmed or our controls identify that it might harm other sellers, customers, or RM e-Mart’s legitimate interests. We will promptly notify you of any such termination or suspension via email, indicating the reason and any options to appeal. On termination of this Agreement, all related rights and obligations under this Agreement immediately terminate, except that you will remain responsible for performing all of your obligations in connection with transactions entered into before termination and for any liabilities that accrued before or as a result of termination

  1. Disclaimer & General Release.
  2. The RM e-mart site and the services, including all content, software, functions, materials, and information made available on or provided in connection with the services, are provided “as-is.” as a user of the services, you use the RM e-mart site and the services at your own risk. To the fullest extent permissible by law, we and our affiliates disclaim: (i) any representations or warranties regarding this agreement, the services or the transactions contemplated by this agreement, including any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement; (ii) implied warranties arising out of course of dealing, course of performance, or usage of trade; and (iii) any obligation, liability, right, claim, or remedy in tort, whether or not arising from our negligence. We do not warrant that the functions contained in the RM e-mart site and the services will meet your requirements or be available, timely, secure, uninterrupted, or error free, and we will not be liable for any service interruptions, including but not limited to system failures or other interruptions that may affect the receipt, processing, acceptance, completion, or settlement of any transactions.
  3. Because RM e-mart is not involved in transactions between customers and sellers or other participant dealings, if a dispute arises between one or more participants, each participant releases RM e-mart (and its agents and employees) from claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.
  4. Limitation of Liability.

We will not be liable (whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence, product liability, or other theory), or otherwise) to you or any other person for cost of cover, recovery, or recoupment of any investment made by you or your affiliates in connection with this agreement, or for any loss of profit, revenue, business, or data or punitive or consequential damages arising out of or relating to this agreement, even if RM e-mart has been advised of the possibility of those costs or damages. Further, our aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with this agreement or the transactions contemplated will not exceed at any time the total amounts during the prior six month period paid by you to RM e-mart in connection with the particular service giving rise to the claim.

  1. Tax Matters.

As between the parties, you will be responsible for the collection, reporting, and payment of any and all of Your Taxes. You agree to and will comply with the tax policies. All fees and payments payable by you to RM e-Mart under this Agreement or the applicable Service Terms are exclusive of any applicable taxes, deductions or withholding (including but not limited to cross-border withholding taxes), and you will be responsible for paying RM e-Mart any of Your Taxes imposed on such fees and any deduction or withholding required on any payment.

  1. Confidentiality and Personal Data.

During the course of your use of the Services, you may receive Confidential Information. You agree that for the term of the Agreement and 5 years after termination:

(a) All Confidential Information will remain RM e-Mart’s exclusive property;

(b) You will use Confidential Information only as is reasonably necessary for your participation in the Services;

(c) You will not otherwise disclose Confidential Information to any other Person except as required to comply with the Law;

(d) You will take all reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information against any use or disclosure that is not expressly permitted in this Agreement; and

(e) you will retain Confidential Information only for so long as its use is necessary for participation in the Services or to fulfil your statutory obligations (e.g., tax) and in all cases will delete such information upon termination or as soon as no longer required for the fulfilment of statutory obligations.

Generally, you may not use customer personal data in any way inconsistent with applicable Law. You must keep customer personal data confidential at all times (the above 5 years’ term limit does not apply to customer personal data).

  1. Force Majeure.

We will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of our obligations under this Agreement by reasons, events or other matters beyond our reasonable control.

  1. Relationship of Parties.

Subject to the Transaction Processing Service Terms, you and we are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between us. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf. This Agreement will not create an exclusive relationship between you and us.

This Agreement and all of the representations, warranties, covenants, conditions, and provisions in this Agreement are intended to be and are for the sole and exclusive benefit of RM e-Mart, you, and customers. As between you and us, you will be solely responsible for all obligations associated with the use of any third party service or feature that you permit us to use on your behalf, including compliance with any applicable terms of use. You will not make any statement, whether on your site or otherwise, that would contradict anything in this section.

  1. Suggestions and Other Information.

If you or any of your Affiliates elect to provide or make available suggestions, comments, ideas, improvements, or other feedback or materials to us in connection with or related to the RM e-Mart Site or any Service (including any related Technology), we will be free to use, disclose, reproduce, modify, transfer and otherwise distribute, and exploit any of the foregoing information or materials in any manner. In order to cooperate with governmental requests, to protect our systems and customers, or to ensure the integrity and operation of our business and systems, we may access and disclose any information we consider necessary or appropriate, including but not limited to user contact details, IP addresses and traffic information, usage history, and posted content. If we make suggestions on using the Services, you are responsible for any actions you take based on our suggestions.

  1. Modification

We will provide at least 15 days’ advance notice for any changes to this Agreement.

However, we may change or modify the Agreement at any time with immediate effect

(a) for legal, regulatory, fraud and abuse prevention, or security reasons;

(b) to change existing features or add additional features to the Services (or)

(c) to restrict products or activities that we deem unsafe, inappropriate, or offensive. We will notify you about any change or modification at least 15 days’ advance.

Your continued use of the Services after the effective date of any change to this Agreement will constitute your acceptance of that change. If any change is unacceptable to you, you agree not to use the Services and to end the Agreement as described in Section 3.

  1. Password Security.

Any password we provide to you may be used only during the Term to access RM e-Mart Services, electronically accept Your Transactions, and review your completed transactions. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your password. You may not disclose your password to any third party (other than third parties authorised by you to use your account in accordance with this Agreement) and are solely responsible for any use of or action taken under your password. If your password is compromised, you must immediately change your password.

  1. Miscellaneous

This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. Any dispute, controversy or disagreement arising out of or relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, will be resolved by binding arbitration, rather than in court.

  1. Selling on RM e-Mart Service Terms

The Selling on RM e-Mart Service (“Selling on RM e-Mart”) is a Service that allows you to offer certain products and services directly on the RM e-Mart Site.

These selling on RM e-Mart service terms are part of the agreement, but, unless specifically provided otherwise, concern and apply only to your participation in selling on RM e-Mart. By registering for or using the selling on RM e-Mart service, you (on behalf of yourself or the business you represent) agree to be bound by the agreement, including these selling on RM e-Mart service terms.

14.1 Your Product Listings and Orders.

  • Products and Product Information.You will provide accurate and complete Required Product Information for each product or service that you offer through the RM e-Mart Site and promptly update that information as necessary to ensure it at all times remains accurate and complete.
  • Product Listing; Merchandising; Order Processing.We will enable you to list Your Products on the RM e-Mart Site, and conduct merchandising and promote Your Products in accordance with the Agreement. We may use mechanisms that rate, or allow shoppers to rate, Your Products and your performance as a seller and RM e-Mart may make these ratings and feedback publicly available. We will provide Order Information to you for each order of Your Products through the RM e-Mart Site. We will also receive all Sales Proceeds on your behalf for each of these transactions and will have exclusive rights to do so, and will remit them to you in accordance with these selling on RM e-Mart Service Terms.
  • Shipping and Handling Charges.For Your Products ordered by customers on or through the RM e-Mart Site that are not fulfilled using Fulfilment by RM e-Mart, you will determine the shipping and handling charges subject to our Programme Policies and standard functionality (including any category-based shipping and handling charges we determine, such as for products offered by sellers on the Individual selling plan). When we determine the shipping and handling charges, you will accept them as payment in full for your shipping and handling.
  • Credit Card Fraud and Unpaid Invoices.We will bear the risk of (a) credit card fraud (i.e., a fraudulent purchase arising from the theft and unauthorized use of a third party’s credit card information) occurring in connection with Your Transactions, and (b) late payments or defaults by customers in connection with invoiced orders for Your Products, except, in each case, in connection with Seller-Fulfilled Products that are not fulfilled strictly in accordance with the Order Information and Shipment Information. You will bear all other risk of fraud or loss.

14.2 Sale and Fulfilment; Refunds and Returns.

  • Sale and Fulfilment.Other than as described in the Fulfilment by RM e-Mart Service Terms, you will:

(a) source, offer, sell and fulfil your Seller-Fulfilled Products, in each case in accordance with the terms of the applicable Order Information, this Agreement, and all terms provided by you or us and displayed on the RM e-Mart Site at the time of the order and be solely responsible for and bear all risk for those activities;

(b) Package each of Your Products in a commercially reasonable manner complying with all applicable packaging and labelling requirements and ship each of Your Products on or before its Expected Ship Date;

(c) Retrieve Order Information at least once each business day;

(d) Only cancel Your Transactions as permitted pursuant to your terms and conditions appearing on the RM e-Mart Site at the time of the applicable order or as may be required under this Agreement;

(e) Fulfil Your Products throughout India (except to the extent prohibited by Law or this Agreement);

(f) Provide to RM e-Mart information regarding fulfilment and order status and tracking (to the extent available), in each case as requested by us using the processes designated by us, and we may make any of this information publicly available;

(g) Comply with all Street Date instructions;

(h) Ensure that you are the seller of each of Your Products;

(i) include an order-specific packing slip, and, if applicable, any tax invoices, within each shipment of Your Products;

(j) identify yourself as the seller of each of Your Products on all packing slips or other information included or provided in connection with Your Products and as the Person to which a customer may return the applicable product; and

(k) Not send customers emails confirming orders or fulfilment of Your Products. If any of Your Products are fulfilled using Fulfilment by RM e-Mart, the Fulfilment by RM e-Mart Service Terms will apply to the storage, fulfilment, and delivery of such RM e-Mart-Fulfilled Products.

  • Cancellations, Returns, and Refunds.The RM e-Mart Refund policies will apply to Your Products. For any of Your Products fulfilled using Fulfilment by RM e-Mart, you will promptly accept, calculate, and process cancellations, returns, refunds, and adjustments in accordance with this Agreement and the RM e-Mart Refund Policies for the RM e-Mart Site, using functionality we enable for your account. Without limiting your obligations, we may in our sole discretion accept, calculate, and process cancellations, returns, refunds, and adjustments for the benefit of customers. You will route any payments to customers in connection with Your Transactions through RM e-Mart. We will make any payments to customers in the manner we determine, and you will reimburse us for all amounts we pay.
  • Problems with Your Products.
  • Delivery Errors and Nonconformities; Recalls.You are responsible for any non-performance, non-delivery, misdelivery, theft, or other mistake or act in connection with the fulfilment of Your Products, except to the extent caused by:

(a) Credit card fraud for which we are responsible

(b) Our failure to make available to you Order Information as it was received by us or resulting from address verification. You are also responsible for any non-conformity or defect in, any public or private recall of, or safety alert of any of Your Products or other products provided in connection with Your Products. You will notify us promptly as soon as you have knowledge of any public or private recalls, or safety alerts of Your Products or other products provided in connection with Your Products.

  • A-to-z Guarantee and Chargebacks.If we inform you that we have received or initiated a claim under the “A-to-z Guarantee” offered on a the RM e-Mart Site or other dispute relating to the offer, sale or fulfilment of Your Products (other than a chargeback), concerning one of Your Transactions, you will have 30 days to appeal our decision of the claim. If we find that a claim, chargeback, or dispute is your responsibility, you (a) will not take recourse against the customer, and (b) are responsible for reimbursing us for the amount paid by the customer (including taxes and shipping and handling charges, but excluding any Referral Fees and all other fees and expenses associated with the original transaction (such as credit card, bank, payment processing, re-presentment, or penalty fees) and any related chargebacks or refunds, to the extent payable by us.

14.4 Compensation.

You will pay us:

(a) the applicable Referral Fees;

(b) any applicable Variable Closing Fee;

(c) the non-refundable Selling on RM e-Mart Subscription Fee in advance each month; and

(d) any other applicable fees described in this Agreement (including any applicable Programme Policies).

“Selling on RM e-Mart Subscription Fee” means the fee specified as such on the Selling on RM e-Mart at the time such fee is payable. With respect to each of Your Transactions:

  • “Sales Proceeds”has the meaning set out in this Agreement;
  • “Referral Fee”means the applicable fee based on the Sales Proceeds from Your Transaction specified on the Selling on RM e-Mart at the time of Your Transaction, based on the categorisation by RM e-Mart of the type of product that is the subject of Your Transaction; provided, however, that Sales Proceeds will not include any shipping charges set by us in the case of Your Transactions that consist solely of products fulfilled using Fulfilment by RM e-Mart.

14.5 RM e-Mart’s Websites and Services.

RM e-Mart has the right to determine, the design, content, functionality, availability and appropriateness of its websites, selection, and any product or listing in the RM e-Mart Stores, and all aspects of each Service, including your use of the same. RM e-Mart may assign any of these rights or delegate any of its responsibilities.

  1. Commitment by RM e-Mart(CBRM) and seller

CBRM provides fulfillment and associated services for Your Products.These service terms are part of the agreement, and, unless specifically provided otherwise, concern and apply only to your participation. By registering for or using CBRM, you (on behalf of yourself or the business you represent) agree to be bound by this agreement, including these CBRM service terms. You expressly agree that RM e-mart may engage its affiliate(s) or a third party in order to complete one or more of the fulfillment and associated services outlined below.

15.1 Your Products

Once you are accepted into CBRM, you must apply to register each product you offer that you wish to include in the CBRM program. We may refuse registration in CBRM of any product, including on the basis that it is aCBRM Excluded Product or that it violates applicable ProgramPolicies. You may at any time withdraw registration of any of Your Products from CBRM.

15.2 Customer Returns

  • You will be responsible for and will accept and process returns of, and provide refunds and adjustments for, any Multi-Channel Fulfilment Units in accordance with the Agreement (including the applicable Programme Policies).
  • We will receive and process returns of any RM e-Mart Fulfilment Units that were shipped to addresses within India in accordance with the terms of your Seller Agreement, these CBRM Service Terms, and the Programme Policies.
  • We will, at your direction, either return or dispose of any Unit that is returned to us by a customer and that we determine is an Unsuitable Unit.
  • If RM e-Mart receives a customer return of a Multi-Channel Fulfilment Unit, you will direct us to return or dispose of the Unit at your own cost failing which we may dispose of the Unit

15.3 Returns to You and Disposal

  • You may, at any time, request that Units be returned to you or that we dispose of Units.
  • We may with notice return Units to you, including upon termination of these CBRM Service Terms. Returned Units will be sent to your designated shipping address. However, if

(a) the designated shipping address we have for you is outdated or incorrect,

(b) you have not provided or, upon our request, confirmed a designated shipping address in India, or

 (c) we cannot make arrangements for you to pay for the return shipment, then the Unit(s) will be deemed abandoned and we may elect to dispose of them as appropriate based on the inventory (e.g., by selling, recycling, donating, or destroying it) and retain any proceeds we may receive from the disposal.

  • We may dispose of any Unsuitable Unit (and you will be deemed to have consented to our action):
  • (A) immediately if we determine that
  • the Unit creates a safety, health, or liability risk to RM e-Mart, our personnel, or any third party;
  • you have engaged in fraudulent or illegal activity; or
  • we have cause to terminate your use of Services with immediate effect pursuant to Section 3 and are exposed to liability towards a third party;

 (B) if you fail to direct us to return or dispose of any Unsuitable Unit within thirty (30) days after we notify you that the Unit has been recalled;

(C) if you fail to direct us to return or dispose of any Unsuitable Unit within thirty (30) days (or as otherwise specified in the applicable Programme Policies) after we notify you that its removal is required, for instance because your use of CBRM is suspended or terminated or your seller account is suspended, terminated or closed. In addition, you will reimburse us for expenses we incur in connection with any Unsuitable Units.

  • You may, at any time, request that we dispose of Units. In this case, we may dispose of these Units as appropriate based on the inventory (e.g., by selling, recycling, donating, or destroying it) and retain any proceeds we may receive from the disposal.
  • You will promptly notify us of any recalls or potential recalls, or safety alerts of any of Your Products and cooperate and assist us in connection with any recalls or safety alerts, including by initiating the procedures for returning items to you under our standard processes. You will be responsible for all costs and expenses you, we or any of our or your Affiliates incur in connection with any recall or potential recall or safety alerts of any of Your Products (including the costs to return, store, repair, liquidate, or deliver to you or any vendor any of these products).

15.4 Customer Service

  • For Multi-Channel Fulfilment Units we will have no customer service obligations other than to pass any inquiries to your attention at the contact you provide, and to make available a reasonable amount of information regarding the status of the fulfilment of Your Products
  • We will not be responsible for all customer service issues relating to packaging, handling and shipment, and customer returns, refunds, and adjustments related to RM e-Mart Fulfilment Units. We will determine whether a customer will receive a refund, adjustment or replacement for any RM e-Mart Fulfilment Unit and we will require you to reimburse us where we determine you have responsibility in accordance with the Agreement (including these CBRM Service Terms and the Programme Policies). We will promptly notify you when you are responsible for a customer refund.
  1. RM e-Mart Advertising Service Terms

The RM e-Mart Advertising Service Terms govern your use of RM e-Mart Advertising, a Service that allows you to advertise your products. The RM e-Mart Advertising Service Terms apply to your use of the Ad Services.

Your use of the Ad Services (as defined in the RM e-Mart Advertising Agreement) is governed by the RM e-Mart Advertising Agreement. You accept the RM e-Mart Advertising Agreement, which may be updated from time to time by RM e-Mart in accordance with its terms. In the event of any conflict between the General Terms or Programme Policies and the RM e-Mart Advertising Agreement with respect to the Ad Services, the RM e-Mart Advertising Agreement will prevail to the extent of the conflict. If the RM e-Mart Advertising Agreement is deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then the General Terms will govern your access to and use of the Ad Services.

  1. Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct

All sellers are expected to adhere to the following policies when listing products on RM e-Mart. Seller offences and prohibited content can result in suspension of your RM e-Mart account.

17.1 Misuse of the RM e-Mart selling website

As a community, all sellers are able to access and use the RM e-Mart selling website. If a seller uploads excessive amounts of data repeatedly or otherwise uses the website in an excessive or unreasonable way, it can create a disproportional load on the website and impair the ability of other sellers to easily

Access and use the website. If a seller is misusing or making excessive or unreasonable use of the RM e-Mart selling website, RM e-Mart may in its sole discretion restrict or block access to product feeds or any other website functions that are being misused until the seller stops the misuse.

17.2 Seller code of conduct

RM e-Mart enables you to reach hundreds of millions of customers. We strive to ensure a fair and trustworthy buyer and seller experience. At RM e-Mart, we expect you to adhere to the code of conduct principles that are outlined below. Violation of the code of conduct principles may result in the loss of your selling privileges and removal from RM e-Mart Marketplace.

17.3 Seller Code of Conduct Principles:

  • Adhere to all applicable laws and abide by all RM e-Mart policies.
  • Maintain current account information.
  • Never misrepresent yourself.
  • Always act in a manner that ensures a trustworthy experience for RM e-Mart customers.
  • Never list products that may cause harm to RM e-Mart customers.
  • Never engage in any misleading, inappropriate or offensive behaviour. This applies to all your activities, including but not limited to:
    • Information provided on your account
    • Information provided in listings, content or images
    • Communication between you and RM e-Mart, or you and our customers
  • Act fairly at all times. Unfair behaviour includes, but is not limited to the following:
    • Behaviour that could be deemed as manipulation or “gaming” of any part of the buying or selling experience
    • Actions that could be perceived as manipulating customer reviews, including by directly or indirectly contributing false, misleading or inauthentic content
    • Activities that could be perceived as attempting to manipulate RM e-Mart’s search results or sales rankings
    • Actions that intentionally damage another seller, their listings or their ratings
  • Only maintain one Seller account for each region in which you sell unless you have a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. Examples of a legitimate business justification include:
    • You own multiple brands and maintain separate businesses for each
    • You manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies
    • You are recruited for an RM e-Mart programme that requires separate accounts

17.4 Category, product, and content restrictions

Customers trust that they can always buy with confidence on RM e-Mart. As a seller on the RM e-Mart website, it is your responsibility to make sure that both you and your products comply with all applicable laws and RM e-Mart policies.

You should carefully refer to the Examples of Permitted and Prohibited Listings by Category and the Restrictions Affecting All Items sections shown below before listing a product on RM e-Mart.

The examples provided in these Help Pages are not exhaustive and are not intended as legal advice. The links provided are for information purposes only and RM e-Mart does not warrant the accuracy of any information provided in these links. We encourage you to consult with your legal adviser if you have questions about the laws and regulations concerning your products. Remember that even when a product is not prohibited, it must always comply with applicable laws. Also, you should regularly refer to RM e-Mart policies as these may change from time to time and we may restrict or prohibit products that are allowed by law.

For some product categories, sellers may not be able to create product listings without prior approval from RM e-Mart.

17.5 Consequences of Violations

Violating RM e-Mart’s policies on listing prohibited items may result in RM e-Mart taking actions including:

  • Cancellation of listing
  • Limits on listing privileges
  • Suspension of your listing privileges
  • Removal of your selling privileges

RM e-Mart reserves the right to make judgments in its sole discretion about whether or not a listing is appropriate. If we determine that the content of a product detail page or listing is prohibited, potentially illegal, or inappropriate, we may remove or alter it without prior notice.

We are constantly innovating on behalf of our customers to improve the ways we detect illegal products and products that otherwise violate our policies, and we continually make adjustments to the systems we use to detect these products.. Also note that some products that are legal are still prohibited by our policies. Sellers who believe a product has been removed in error should contact Seller Support and we will review the product and make any appropriate adjustments to our systems as well as to the seller’s account status, as applicable. Note that moving a restricted product listing to Out of Stock (OOS) does not make the listing compliant. Failure to properly close or delete all restricted product listings from your inventory may result in the removal of your selling privileges. If you think your product was incorrectly identified as a restricted product on RM e-Mart, close the listing immediately, to ensure compliance while you appeal the restriction with Seller Support

  1. Keeping Your Account Information Secure

The security of your account is important to us because it is central to your business. We recommend the following best practices to reinforce the security of your RM e-Mart account:

  1. Pick strong passwords that are different for each of your accounts and change your password regularly.
    • Choosing the same password for each of your online accounts is like using the same key to lock your home, car and office – if a criminal gains access to one, all of them are compromised.
    • Use a long password made up of numbers, letters and symbols.
    • Avoid using publicly-available information (For example your phone number) in your passwords.
    • Make sure that the email address or the mobile number that you use to sign-in to your account is up-to-date.
    • If your business has multi-users, then have each user set up their own account and then link your accounts. Ensure that you regularly review secondary users who have access to your account and revoke access to users who no longer need access.
  1. Identifying false (spoofed) e-mails

You might receive emails from RM e-Mart, such as Sold, Ship Now emails or Technical Notification emails. These false emails, also called “spoofed” emails or “phishing,” look similar to legitimate emails from RM e-Mart. Often these emails direct you to a false website that looks similar to an RM e-Mart website, where you might be asked to give account information, such as your email address and password combination.

Unfortunately, these false websites can steal your sensitive information, which can then be used without your knowledge to commit fraud.

To protect yourself from responding to these emails, you can follow some simple rules:

What RM e-Mart will never ask for

RM e-Mart will never ask you for the following information in an email communication:

  • Your bank account information, credit card number, PIN number, or credit card security code (including “updates” to any of the above)
  • Your mother’s maiden name or other information to identify you (such as your place of birth or your favorite pet’s name)
  • Your RM e-Mart or Seller Central password

20.Selling on RM e-Mart Fee Schedule

RM e-Mart collects the lower of the applicable fees stated below and any fees communicated to you by RM e-Mart (such as promotional fees that RM e-Mart may provide from time to time).

20.1 Selling Fees

When your item sells, RM e-Mart collects the amount paid by the buyer (including the item price and any delivery, gift wrap or other charges). Only Professional sellers can offer gift wrap

Selling on RM e-Mart monthly subscription fee

  • Professional Selling Plan: Rs. 2000 + GST per month
  • Individual Selling Plan: Rs. 20 per item.

20.2 Referral Fees

Sellers pay a Referral Fee on each item sold.

For all products, RM e-Mart deducts the applicable Referral Fee percentage calculated on the total sales price. The total sales price is the total amount paid by the buyer, including the item price and any delivery or gift-wrapping charges.

Referral fees vary by category, as listed below.



Referral Fee Percentages (Plus applicable GST)




















Home Appliances



Baby Care



Sports & Fitness



Safety and Hygiene Essentials



Home interiors



Nutrition and Health Care



Office Supplies



Auto accessories



Toys and School Supplies



Bags and Luggage






Musical Instruments
